By imcold - 30/12/2012 07:32 - United States

Today, a stranger was kind enough to plow my driveway during a blizzard. However, they were not kind enough to leave their number after plowing the front end of my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 851
You deserved it 2 776

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Most women aren't proud to admit that their front end was plowed by a stranger. Wait, what?

I'm going to say that a plowed driveway isn't worth that...


That truly sucks. A stranger tried to do you a good deed restoring your faith in the goodness of mankind and now you have to deal with the dark side of human nature... Insurance companies.

HannahBee1017 9

At least they didn't plow your wife.

Welcome to the local snow plow protection racket. Pay 'em to plow, or else.

Check to see if it was the same dude that put up his dead neighbor's Christmas lights.

decidedlyvague 11

Did anyone else read, "Today, my neighbor was kind enough to plow me"?

Your "driveway"? Is that what they're calling it these days?

80skid 15

Haha wow, it seriously took me like a minute to get the joke.

I bet ur car would make a nice hood ornament