By Links - 20/11/2009 07:26 - United States

Today, a McDonald's employee had to correct my math after counting out $2.37 in change. I'm in AP Calculus and am currently learning how to find the derivative of an inverse of a logarithm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 066
You deserved it 44 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No big deal. Simple mistake. I have a PhD in English and misstype/spell words weekly. That doesn't mean I'm any less intelligent.

popatia 0

Who the **** you think you are that someone from mcdonalds can't be smart? A lot of people work at chain restarunts to pay for school, medical bills, etc.


Big Deal. I've got a BA in Mathematics and Secondary ED. and I still get change wrong sometimes lol.

voveraite 7

Ahahaha, calculus is to math like an ant to an elephant. "currently learning"? my friend, you should be able to "learn" this in five minutes, or even better, UNDERSTAND the logic behind differentiation and integration, and you won't have to make learning a single derivative a stand-alone process. It's ridiculous! This is not a FML, but I'll click YDI, because you think your math. education is worth mentioning.

lol i think you would fail IB math higher level lol.....try finding integral of an equation that is practically an entire line of your page filled with trig (cos, tan, sin, cotan, cosine, csc), logs, lns, and e. lol have fun Thats a high school thing btw anyway everyone messes up change. Even people who probably have a Phd in math :P

Oh, it definitely is worth it, and I milked my AP credits for all they were worth. I'm just saying, not caring about AP classes doesn't necessarily mean you don't care about college, or about how to pay for it.

mathematicians often can't do mental maths.

Stop judging those greasy bastards, studies have shown there is brain activity in the workers there. They should be given the same rights as real people

GreenDaemon21 0

CMON PEOPLE. Obviously OP is one smart person if he is taking AP calc! dont you all know that everyone who "took AP calculus and learned how to take the derivative of inverse logs", they are gonna be CEO's of major companies by age 25? and everyone of them lost their virginity before age 14 and made their first million right in college?

How is this an FML? You miscounted some change. Plus you used superfluous language with that inverse logarithm which is simply an exponential. Plus AP Calc 1 is easy, so are taking those derivatives. The biggest FML in this story is the fact that you think you are good at math because of this as implied by your FML, when atm your nothing more than a glorified bean counter, and apparently a bad one at that.

ravar5 0

hey they always say that in the higher levels of math you lose the ability to do simple arithmetic

Isn't the inverse of log an exponential? Dude that aint high level math... It's really simple so its more of an FML if you're STILL working on that AND couldn't get the change right...

honeyishrnkdakid 2

YDI. Why do you assume that just because someone is working at McDonald's they're less intelligent than you. Maybe the employee also took AP calc. Maybe they're in college. You're a pompous ass for assuming that. The summer after my first year at Brown University I worked at McDonald's. I'm now in graduate school at Harvard. It's what you get for making assumptions.