By Links - 20/11/2009 07:26 - United States

Today, a McDonald's employee had to correct my math after counting out $2.37 in change. I'm in AP Calculus and am currently learning how to find the derivative of an inverse of a logarithm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 066
You deserved it 44 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No big deal. Simple mistake. I have a PhD in English and misstype/spell words weekly. That doesn't mean I'm any less intelligent.

popatia 0

Who the **** you think you are that someone from mcdonalds can't be smart? A lot of people work at chain restarunts to pay for school, medical bills, etc.


sportsnut 0

I would rather be bad at mental math (which i am) than be bad at calculus because accountants barely have to know simple math but engineers have to know higher math. I'll let you guess at who makes a shit load more

Umm... wow. I don't care about what happened at McDonalds, but you think what you're learning is hard? The inverse of ln(x) is e*x... and the derivative is x'e*x...

And in Calculus it's common to use a calculator to figure out basic math.

wth does that have to do with anything? Well guess what: I'm a medical student and imma say...ur an arrogant fucktard. Grow up, kid.

YDI for not being able to do simple math and implying that someone working in fast food is dumber than you are. Just because someone works at McDonald's doesn't mean they're retarded. I know a genetic pathologist and an entomologist that both worked at McDonald's while starting school, they're defiantly not stupid.

So? Everybody makes mistakes when counting money, it's not the same as math. Besides, is a derivative of a logaritm supposed to be difficult??? And just so you know : most Mc Donald's employees are students...

GillesDeRais 0

I'm in calc 3 learning how to use line integrals, and I can no longer do basic arithmetic. Deal with it.

haha don't worry, it was a simple mistake! but obviously no one else can get that, i sure think that would be embarrassing !

suckstobey0u 0

AP Calc isn't impressive at all...

Darling_Cherry 5

Working at McDonald's is not equivalent to being stupid. It takes a lot of humility to work at a place where dilholes like the OP will walk in and assume he is better than the employee.