By thisreallyhappened - 15/05/2009 02:39 - United States

Today, a little girl at my work had an accident. She asked me to help her change, and as she was changing she stuck her hand in her vagina to make sure all the "peepee was gone". She then put that same hand on my face to balance herself as she finished changing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 775
You deserved it 3 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It would make more sense if you said the kid put her hand in her crotch. The way you've got it, it sounds like she was fisting herself. :/


most of you people are ******* pathetic . it was a little kid for **** sakes, like she knew any better . grow up

In a way I agree with #111, but at the same time; if the kid is old enough to ask for help they DO or SHOULD know the difference. Just because they're young children doesn't mean they're stupid -- it's called lack of parenting.

Ewwww........hope you washed your face after that.....

lmao they must make this an illustrated FML. jk jk pedos who got excited. why does everyone take bitching on this site to seriously, like wholey **** buddies its a comedy site. cheer up bettercup! and i feel for you op. thats horribly gross, but hillarious.

baydestrian_girl 0

that's jus.... sickening... it can't even be considered a cute accident... that's jus sick....

I hope you work in child care. Otherwise there's absolutely NO excuse for why you were responsible for helping this child.