By ktmla - 11/05/2014 04:13 - United States - Fort Lauderdale

Today, a customer cussed me out for hiding behind the counter a jacket she's been "eyeing since it came out". She loudly exclaimed that she was going to report me to my manager and get me "fired." It was my personal jacket that we don't even sell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 111
You deserved it 3 665

ktmla tells us more.

OP here. To those of you who referred to me as "he"... I'm a girl :) I work at Hollister and the jacket is actually one my friend from Georgia gave me. It's his school jacket so I'm not sure why she wanted it. #1 Damn straight. #2 We don't but I'll make sure to put it in the suggestion box :-) #3 I was worried she would try to jack it (get it)... #18 I would've assumed the same thing had it not be from a school in a different state. #24 It's one of those things where it's only nice to me for sentimental reasons haha. Thanks though. #28 Although that is often true my manager is really cool so after the whole thing was over I was able to explain exactly what happened and I didn't get in trouble. #44 Thank you for your novel :-) you rock. #48/71 (and anyone's else who wanted clarification): I know your comment was buried but actually we do have that exact rule. We aren't allowed to have any personal items visible except for the clothes/accessories we are wearing (which are required to be from the store as part of the dress code). My jacket was actually behind the counter in a place not visible to customers and had she not been walking behind the counter (against the rules btw) to get to the dressing rooms she never would've seen it. I just couldn't include that in the 300 character fml. #64 I'm guessing that was a joke :) But if you were serious then if you are ever working in retail don't do anything like that unless you want to get fired. #67 More than you know. #74 Nah, she was just a bitch. #73 By fill pup I'm assuming you mean follow up. But you're right some people can really be jerks sometimes! #88 Exactly. #66 Obviously (not a) Product #83 The only place I told her to go was hell.. Wow, just kidding, that was dramatic of me. But no it was a school jacket. #84 I'm sorry that sucks.. Sorry this is so long I wanted to try to reply to as many people as possible. -Katie

Top comments

inner_peace 19

Some customers are just morons, OP.

I'm sorry OP. Hopefully you guys sell common sense as well as other jackets.


This is your boss. You're fired, not for hiding the jacket, but because the customer is always right.

At least it means that she thinks you dress well.

Tags are the sure fire way if it's for sale...but if they did go to your manager they should know it's your jacket

And thats when you say "I am the manager"

You should have said "Are you done? Now, we don't even carry that jacket, that is MY jacket and I'll be nice enough to tell you where to get it if calm yourself". Retail can be bitch sometimes. Don't be afraid to walk away and go get the manager. She's in your space, you have rights too.