By Grossedouttt - 04/07/2009 04:18 - United States

Today, my mother texted me while I was at work asking me to pick up a door-stopper on my way home. When I asked her why she explained that she and my dad were trying to make love but the dog kept pushing the door open. What an image. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 478
You deserved it 3 719

Same thing different taste


**** the doorstep you should just not get it and let the dog go in and let them have a threesome. That should give your parents an IMAGE. O.o

xXmoses_rocksXx 0

That is just wrong...once I was sleeping over my mom's apartment. The walls are pretty thin and I heard her and her boyfriend having sex in the other room...while I was had my headphones in, my music on full blast. -_- Sorry, OP.

Don't ask a question if you don't want to know the answer. I learned this long ago when asking my parents about why they were going through Vaseline so fast.

hoff90 0

well she asked.... so obviously she wanted an answer. Also, how would anyone know the answer but her mom and dad? No one can tell the future.

why don't they put the dog in another room. or lock the door

fy moms life. she doesn't have a door stopper dude

honeygirl6510 0

so explain....why are you thinking/picturing that?