By Grossedouttt - 04/07/2009 04:18 - United States

Today, my mother texted me while I was at work asking me to pick up a door-stopper on my way home. When I asked her why she explained that she and my dad were trying to make love but the dog kept pushing the door open. What an image. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 468
You deserved it 3 716

Same thing different taste


malcolm1919 0

Sounds like the dog wants a threesome

You have a dog that can open closed doors!? You gotta YouTube that shit.

GoodpointAllen 0

Hahaha, ur life sucks rite now. But, its okay, it'll be funny when u tell ur kid u need him/her to pick up something for your sex in a few years >;)

who cares ill still want to do it at that age too. its not their fault u hate sex

...This isn't an FML... I mean, okay. Your parents have an active sex life? Your life isn't messed up, nor do you "deserve" anything.

I love how it's ended with "What an image." That sentence Made this FML epic.

WHY would you ASK what they needed the door-stopper for? It's kind of obvious, to either hold open or hold shut a door. For that, you deserve it. But I agree, disturbing mental image.

I hate how its always so horrific for people to realize that their parents have sex. Though I can understand that being a bit of a shock/unexpected in this case. Either way, YDI. Doorstops are for holding a door place.