Thoughts and prayers

By bad blood, no shit - 03/12/2011 01:35 - United States

Today, my husband and I went to my overbearing mom's 57th birthday party. He opened his gift in front of her and said smugly, "The makeup's for your face, and the prayer book's for the fat rolls." Any hope of family peace is now lost. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 313
You deserved it 3 794

Same thing different taste


By his gift I'm assuming that OP meant the gift he got her. Opening her present for her and then telling her she needed to pray for her fat rolls was a double whammy. It's rude to open someone else's gift , and it's extremely rude to insult them afterwards. OP refuse sex for your hubby and refuse to talk to your mom until they can stop acting like children and stop putting you in the middle. Tell your hubby not to be a disrespectful butthead, and tell your mom to stop being so overbearing and mind her own business.

Do you honestly think OP's gonna take your crap advice?

She will if she doesn't want to be a doormat to her husband and mothers temper tantrums.... Believe me I've been there.

Sounds like something my boyfriend would say! But, he's nice enough not to say it to my mother's face... lol

That's the FML. He opened the gift and gave a cruel explaination of why he bought the gifts. Read it again.

bubo_fml 10

I regret that I missed the opportunity to tell my former Mum-in-law that her Daughter meets strangers in car parks for anal sex...(The filthy slag!!)

Fyl Op, maybe there is something you can do to make it better.

Wow though fat rolls? really lol how rude can you get.

Okay, my big question is: why the hell did OP okay that gift in the first place? I know very few guys (single, dating, or married) that would buy a gift for their mother-in-law without at least double-checking with their partner... So OP must've known what he got as a gift (and I know personally my fiance and I don't give separate gifts, we give a single gift from the both of us) and I would hope that she knows her bf/hubby well enough to know he'd be a dick about it if that was the gift...

Your husband and your mother share a mutual hatred for one another.