This is lit

By a genius - 12/02/2009 13:28 - United States

Today, I lit a cigarette in the opposite direction of the wind. My hair blew into it, and caught on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 907
You deserved it 60 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surgeon General is right - Smoking CAN kill you! or ... at least light your head on fire.


paleknight47 0

Hey.... Stop being so hot headed...

miamiheat244 0

#8 if everybody smoked weed we would all be chill

**** all you people who give people who smoke shit for what they do. It's their ******* body dipshits, let them do whatever the **** they want with it. I don't smoke, but I get so pissed when people say shit like 'smoking kills' to random people smoking. Like wtf, stfu and live your ******* life. but yeah, ive lit my bangs on fire twice i think... thou both times i was lighting a bowl and had a tweaked lighter that flame grew to about 3 inches.

Dude, respect, thank you for not being a douche.

lol thats natures way of saying DONT SMOKE.

marryjane all da way I smoke weed too tho...

rachelwhaatt 0