This is fine

By Anonymous - 09/06/2012 02:36 - United Kingdom - London

Today, at the beach, my boyfriend picked me up and carried me over his shoulder. I felt my bikini top come undone in the process. I panicked and pulled down on his shorts. We were fined for indecent exposure. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 649
You deserved it 10 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So as soon as you feel your clothes coming off you instinctively need to take off your boyfriends pants? Lucky bastard...

Wait why did you pull down his pants if you were on his shoulders of him? I could see you pulling them up.


I don't understand why pulling down his pants would be your first reaction... Ydi

This country needs to lighten up and get over nudity. That sucks you both got fined for an accident, and hopefully it doesn't result in a sex offender charge.

Edit: Didn't know OP was in the UK, but I'm referring to US and UK as well. Everywhere else in the world views nudity as something natural.

I hear North Korea loves naked people running around.

stewpididiot 11

It's always funny til someone gets fined... Then it's hilarious !!

Should have shown off the goods to the officer. Unless it was a female officer.

Depends on how long he kept running. Hahaha

Why the hell would you pull down his shorts because you panicked? If I was in that situation I would've instinctively grabed the string to my bikini, or two cover up my privates. YDI for being stupid.

That's cute though. Now you'll always have that memory.