The strangeness of strangers

By zomg - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Port Saint Lucie

Today, while at work as a cashier, I tried to be sweet and ID an elderly man buying a bottle of wine. He responded by calling me a "blind-ass bitch" and calling my manager for "harassing" him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 899
You deserved it 29 716

Top comments

bbedlock_fml 7

Some people just need to learn to take compliments once in a while...

user324234324 1

I think you'd get a better result if you did that to an old lady


theonlysweetpea 10

How stupid do you have to be to see it wasn't an insult? She was being nice by saying you might not be as old as you look/innocent flirting. That's what (normal) people do for the elderly to make them forget there's a big chance they may die soon. Plus I'm sure it's policy to card everyone. My mother has been getting carded since I was young

theonlysweetpea 10

That's dumb! Don't card him if he's clearly old. It's just mean.

hypersqueakactiv 0

I do not think this is a YDI if op asked jokingly to be friendly with customers. Its a shame people cannot take a joke.

You were harassing the old codger. If somebody looks old enough to have gone to school with Moses, it is safe to assume they are over 21.

Ugh, being asked for id IS one of the most annoying things. I'm 19 (and so totally understand why I would be asked) and I still find it annoying as hell. If someone did it to me when I was 60 (or probably even 30) I would be taking my business elsewhere. If they seemed nice then they might get one chance...but if it happened again then I'd be off.

What is with FML and the crazy seniors/mother-in-laws?!

what a dick! I'd have called him an old. piece of shit and refused to sell him alcohol

thats when you say "hmmmm should i card you? i think i should, youre kindve borderline!" or something..idk before i was allowed to ring alcohol my boss would do it and get a good laugh outta it.