The great pretender

By abbielane - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Rochester

Today, my daughter tried to sneak out of the house. When I caught her, she freaked out and punched me in the face. She then "snapped out of it" and claimed she was sleepwalking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 558
You deserved it 3 901

Top comments

She obviously needs a lot more rest due to "sleepwalking". Her new bedtime should be 7, just to make sure.

wow. if i was caught sneaking out of the house, the LAST thing i would do is punch one of my parents in the face, unless i wanted to die...


At least you have a daughter who is quick on her feet.

lovelyspyder 7

At least you know she can defend herself against prowlers? But seriously, take away her phone. She will learn her lesson.

MrRager7 1

The day that my kid puts a hand on me is the day they get sent to the cemetery

i really have been caught sleep walking out of my house. of course i was 8 and woke up by the highway...

What a liar. Whom did she learn that from.

10121995 0

Reminds me of step brothers XD

Such great improv, this is quite funny! But really, you could have delivered a nice slap across the face just before you snapped out of your own "sleepwalking" escapade. She wouldn't dare use that excuse again.

Haha wow that really just made my day and I was having a horrible day. So thank you!(:

debins33 1

You let you're daughter punch in the face?!