The great pretender

By abbielane - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Rochester

Today, my daughter tried to sneak out of the house. When I caught her, she freaked out and punched me in the face. She then "snapped out of it" and claimed she was sleepwalking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 558
You deserved it 3 901

Top comments

She obviously needs a lot more rest due to "sleepwalking". Her new bedtime should be 7, just to make sure.

wow. if i was caught sneaking out of the house, the LAST thing i would do is punch one of my parents in the face, unless i wanted to die...


Between sneaking out, punching you and lying, she should have a long list of chores to keep her so tired she has no problems sleeping. The house should be spotless, the yard perfectly manicured and any cars you own lovingly detailed. Oh and her cell phone & internet won't be needed since she won't have time to use either one.

etoilenuit 15

She could have been sleep walking.. My sister used to get ready for school an attempt to leave when she was like 10...

sleep walking is her best excuse ? haha shes lucky she didn't have my parents she would be sorry she ever tried to sneak out .

unknown_user5566 26

When I actually pictured this scene playing out, I couldn't help it, and had to laugh. Sucks you got punched by your daughter OP, but at least now you know she can defend herself when needed. :)

I had no idea had little knowledge people had of sleepwalking.

People have no idea when they sleepwalk, thats why their family and/or friends are the ones that usually get them to go to the doctor in the first place. You need to ground he, for a VERY long time. Take away her phone, computer, TV, ect.

You never know, I once sleepwalked down my loft bed ladder, down the stairs and into the kitchen where I proceeded to open the fridge and wake up with my head in a bowl of potato salad. Good times.