By stunned - 15/03/2010 15:27 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of almost a year and a half broke up with me when he decided he wasn't in love with me anymore. We gave our stuff back, he was joking and happy the whole time until I told him I was taking back my cat. At that point he burst into tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 891
You deserved it 3 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

heartlessagony 0

At least you're not with him anymore.


He's not in love with you because he's a dude who likes cats... which means he's gay. And yes, F the cats life

skyeyez9 24

Piss off to the rest for ragging on the OP. He was the one who wanted to break up, he was the one who was unusually happy giving each other's stuff back. Chances are that the bf was also eager to break up cause he was cheating on OP for awhile with another girl.

chemqueen20 0

I agree completely too. It's frustrating to see all the stupid kiddies who completely fail reading comprehension whining and assuming the guy owned the cat or whatever because they're too dumb to even pay attention while reading a few lines.

The_good_times 0

It's obvious that your ex loves the pussy more than your pussy.

If you guys read and understand it... you will find out why is an FML. The boyfriend broke up because he wasn't in love anymore, then he is happy and joking, the girl says : I'm getting my cat back, he starts crying, so it means the guy loves more the cat than her GF.

It seems he was just in it for the pussy then?

that's the only pussy he's gonna miss. ;)

lyndseyb1012 0

tell him to grow a pair and move on! FYL

Angejolie 0

Wow. That's messed up. Then again I would probably be the same in regards to my dog.