By stunned - 15/03/2010 15:27 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of almost a year and a half broke up with me when he decided he wasn't in love with me anymore. We gave our stuff back, he was joking and happy the whole time until I told him I was taking back my cat. At that point he burst into tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 891
You deserved it 3 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

heartlessagony 0

At least you're not with him anymore.


wow what a pussy ( pun intended )

spicayyy 0

I guess that pussy was better.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Well, maybe he grew attached to your cat. If he gave it back, what's the big deal? Heck, I'd cry over that, too. I think most people would agree that they'd be more sad about returning a beloved pet than their ex's stuff.

Monikabug 9

I guess he didn't think you'd take it back. He deserved it.

I'd cry if I had to give up my kitties.

Erindub 0

My ex of over 4 years pulled this crap with my cat whim he didn't even want to begin with. After fighting about it for months I still don't have my cat back. Whats worse...hes the one that left me. Kept a bunch of my stuff.

koco4 0

Oh that sucks, I'm sorry. He's so wrong for doing that since you love the cat as well and you've loved the cat from the start.

Haha, this isn't really an FML but still hilarious.