The big time

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Des Moines

Today, I found out that my parents spent all of the money in my college fund to pay for my cat to be flown to LA and audition for a movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 389
You deserved it 4 167

Top comments

inkdeath87 18

Your parents are really stupid. Sacrificing your education for a cat is just horrible parenting.


assassinbanana0 20

What are you going to do if it didn't?

fieldhockeygal97 19

If the cat does get the part, then OP's parents can pay him/her back

Did it audition for the upcoming Grumpy Cat movie?

Unless there wasn't much of a college fund....

egc573 40

Third option: The tickets might not cost so much, but the "audition" might. A word of advice to any Hollywood hopefuls: if you need to pay a large fee for your own audition, it's usually a SCAM.

they obviously didnt save much for you to begin with.

I don't know what's worse, your parents wasting your college fund or your college fund being so small that it finished with a flight for your cat. FYL indeed OP

Maybe the cat was flying first class and staying at a five star pet hotel.

Is the cat's name Garfield by any chance?

omgitsmoe 26

Well the cat won't be a star without spending money

Exactly! The parents thought it would be an investment.

inkdeath87 18

Your parents are really stupid. Sacrificing your education for a cat is just horrible parenting.

Omg ur parents have their investments all wrong. If the cat gets famous then your parents owe u some of the profits.

summerguy97 16

It's probably the family cat and everyone just refers to it as theirs.

KiddoKS 19

If it's all gone after paying for one trip, there wasn't that much to start with.

assassinbanana0 20

But it was more than having no money at all.

alliewillie 22

Not neccessarily. The cat would have to be up to date on its shots, have health certification exams and paperwork for the flight, airfare, and it didn't sound like they went, meaning a "nanny" would have to be hired for travel, boarding etc. It could have cost thousands.

KiddoKS 19

Thousands is only one full time semester, if that, depending on what college you go to. It is something, but nowhere near a full ride.

assassinbanana0 20

Maybe not, but still, some is better than none. Would you rather start with 0 or with a few thousand?

bigdaddyeric 35
finch01 18
Kozmotis 8

"First I star in this movie, and then dominate the world."