The big time

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Des Moines

Today, I found out that my parents spent all of the money in my college fund to pay for my cat to be flown to LA and audition for a movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 389
You deserved it 4 167

Top comments

inkdeath87 18

Your parents are really stupid. Sacrificing your education for a cat is just horrible parenting.


Epikouros 31

Let's hope LA means Hollywood, not Van Nuys.

that is the stupidest thing any person can ever do i suggest you torture that cat while they watch you do it. dont call me mean but his future is ruined because of a cat

graceinsheepwear 33

I won't call you mean but I will call your comment ridiculous. First of all, it's OP 's cat. Second, the cat is innocent. All cats want to do is not be ****** with. Third, I doubt his whole future is ruined. And fourth, yeah, you're mean.

And JUST how much money was that? Can't imagine it was much of a college fund if it was all blown on an airline ticket. Now it they used it to buy a house then I could see why it would be a FML. Get a job and work your way through college. I did!

If your entire college fund consisted of just enough money for a plane trip for a cat then you're not out a whole lot. That wouldn't even cover the amount of a semester. So start looking for a good job.

KiddNYC1O 20

Easy for a dog to say... Ha!

Wow.. They really weren't saving very much for you anyway. At most that cost, what, $3000? If that's all that was in you're college fund, you weren't getting very far with that.

bvbarmy4ever 12

That is absolutely terrible. I'm so sorry bro

Don't u hate people like that! Nothing but selfish people !

Simoneaux17 11

This is why "animal rights" is complete bs. Education is more important than a frackin' cat.

graceinsheepwear 33

I think if cats could write their own Bill of Rights, item one would be to not be shipped in a cage to audition for a movie.

Kat7595 10

Maybe you can become a cat breeder, but be careful on Facebook.