Thanks mom

By Anonymous - 08/06/2018 15:00

Today, it's my third day in the hospital. On Monday, my mother grounded me for not going to school because I was “milking” a sore foot. On Wednesday, we finally went to the ER and it turns out I have a very bad infection in my foot. She refuses to come to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 351
You deserved it 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Remember this when you're picking her nursing home.

I guess you could say you guys really got off on the wrong foot.


Benopero 8

If she refused to take you to the hospital and grounded you. Obviously you don’t need her there.

Your mom sounds like a horrible person. It's one thing when a parent believes her kid is malingering, but when it turns out that the kid actually does have a problem requiring medical attention, the parents should be contrite about their mistake.

boopingsnoot 24

Key sign of a narcissist: there are only two opinions, the narcissist’s and WRONG. Even if reality says otherwise.

A quick visit to the Dr would of proven whether you were telling the truth or not, something your mother should of done. She is probably just embarrassed and doesn't want to face you, either way as a parent myself I would of swallowed my pride and gone to see my child who needs support and love

Ka pai, teach your kids it's OK to admit you're wrong. Their health is more important than your ego.

could have would have should have not "of" ...

HereWeGo24 6

So someone explain to me how this person deserves this?????

I broke my leg snowboarding last year and my best friend told me I was making a big deal over a sprained ankle, and kept snowboarding without me, I didn’t go to the hospital for a week because everyone thought I was just being a baby, I was on crutches for 3 months, so I kind of know how you feel