Thanks guys

By Anonymous - 22/07/2009 18:41 - United States

Today, I decided to dress up a little to go out to the bar. I put on a nice shirt, some leggings, and heels. When I walked out the door, my dad said that I looked like a whore. When I got to my boyfriend's house I told him what my dad had said and he replied, "I'd have to agree with him." FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 693
You deserved it 62 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deaditegirl 0

YDI for trying to pass off leggings as actual pants.

Well they were just being truthful, you can't blame them If you don't want to be called a ***** then don't dress like one


Your life sucks because you dont know how to dress properly? Boo ******* hoo

YDI for being such a filthy *****. i hope you get raped by a bunch of niggers tonight.

CyclonePsycho 1

Now THAT'S how you troll. M13LO (#13), you should take notes from this guy. He's got style. ;D

then stop dressing like a *****. sexy can be subtle.

noshitsherlock 0

LEGGINGS ARE NOT PANTS YOU DIRTY *****. You were probably showing your whole ass and nasty CAMEL TOE. gross. Learn how to dress, instead of being trendy, yet clueless and indecent.

OP you deserve it!!! I agree with others leggings should never be worn as pants! and girl I hope you are skinny... if you are chubby, let's not say fat.. but well you get the picture... eww

Aetius_fml 0

Any time your father and your boyfriend agree on something, you can pretty much treat it as scientifically verified fact.

Leggings as pants: not necessarily *****-ish, but always tacky as ****. Also, if your outfit involves leggings, you are NOT "dressed up."

letitbe56 0

I don't think we have enough info here. How long was the shirt? How tall were the heels? What color were the leggings? Were they shiny? Wearing leggings with a tunic and boots can create a nice hippie-chic look. You can also do leggings with a longer, oxford-style shirt, but that's a very casual look. But seriously, if you're going with tight bottoms, you need a looser top. For leggings, stick with darker shades, preferably black or something neutral. And shiny and/or patterned leggings, or those gross leggings with the lace are just fail. It is difficult but possible to be tasteful with leggings. However, when in doubt, go for the skinny jeans instead.

Skinny jeans are very difficult to pull off though, unless you're really skinny or just have a boyish build. The problem is that most generic brand skinny jeans make your butt look flat and square and your hips wider; the well-known "carrot legs" effect. If you have wider hips, bootcut or flared jeans are much better because they make your hips look slimmer.

If you can't pull off wearing skinny jeans what is the likeliness that you can successfully pull off wearing leggings??

fmlyoumeanie 0

Yeah, if the shirt was a normal t-shirt that didn't cover your ass then I would call it slutty. But, if you were in a sweatshirt or a shirt that covers up your cheeks, then that's fine. Although true, wearing heels with an outfit like that is still trampy. And, I agree with the guy above, skinny jeans would be much better!