Take the L

By lyla - 20/03/2012 19:15 - United States

Today, I was on the train ride home from a trip to Florida, and I gave my mom a call. While we talked, I made an offhand comment that all my friends back home must miss me. She knowingly asked if I meant my Sims and my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 378
You deserved it 5 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments


haha omg you're the american version of me. If your cat is orange and named stitch i'll shit myself

WTFTravis 5

LMFAO, but i play sims to :l

It's okay, I've come to learn that sims are the only people you can trust.

My sister said the same thing to me yesterday :3

Haha i'm downloading sims2 ultimate collection now (free from origin till 31st)

Larco_fml 3

Kind of a weird comment for OP to make in the first place.