Take the L

By lyla - 20/03/2012 19:15 - United States

Today, I was on the train ride home from a trip to Florida, and I gave my mom a call. While we talked, I made an offhand comment that all my friends back home must miss me. She knowingly asked if I meant my Sims and my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 378
You deserved it 5 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments


skyeyez9 24

One of the benefits of having kids is being able to embarrass them.

ScubaSteve96 0

You know, if you have no other friends it must kind of be your fault too... Just be a little social!

nightowl713 25

Op said" and my mon knowingly said you must mean your sims and cat" so obviously op doesn't have a real social life. And seeing as how she was on the phone and only op and her mom could hear, the comment wasn't made to be embarrassing in front of people... So mom speaks the truth... Which is kind of sad...