
By rbeast - 21/07/2011 04:10 - United States

Today, my girlfriend's overprotective parents decided that I'm a bad influence on their daughter. I'm a straight A engineering student who openly speaks out against drugs, alcohol, and discrimination. Their reason? Someone told them I dyed my hair black. They think I'm a "closet Nazi". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 902
You deserved it 4 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I thought Nazi's were all for blonde hair and blue eyes...

Why don't you publicly preach how discrimination is wrong to them then?


Emulating Hitler.. Haha, love it. At the same time, though, I've seen videos of Hitler giving speeches, and I don't get how people were so much under his sway at the time. His yelling and aggressive arm-waving was really off-putting.

Don't let them boss you two around, especially if you're old enough where it shouldn't matter. If it's meant to be, you'll make it.

I feel your pain, OP. I was supposedly a bad influence on my "ex-boyfriend" because I was a year older than him, so that had to mean that I wanted to take advantage of him. His mother, to this day, still hasn't met me, yet she was the one who came up with these theories about me. FYL.

Her parents sound traditional Asian. Finding anything that they can wrong with the guy and then labeling them with ridiculous things. Like others have said, screw them and just keep dating her if you like her. She should be old enough to make decisions for herself at this point anyway and the parents' opinion shouldn't matter much since they'll probably be that way no matter who it is. Nothing personal against you.

I'm pretty sure nazis were after the blonde, not the black…

roldey15 2

just saying nazis never dyed there hair black... i like learnig about the world wars and nazis believed that the best race was the arien race blonde hair and blue eyes

is there such thing as mien kolor? either way i feel bad for you OP.