
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, the imperial fist of spring allergies knocked me flat on my ass. The time I was going to spend at the outdoor concert I paid $80 for was instead spent in my car, driving back home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 113
You deserved it 3 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, you should get the official DocBastard© Allergy Fighter. A pill, you ask? Ha, of course not! It's a Medical Warrior! Doc doesn't **** around with allergies.


Zyrtec? Allegra? Allergy shots? In a way YDI for not realizing that you have allergies or taking something non-drowsy instead of giving in.

mya1234 4

this sounds like another FML. starting with the words "the time I was going to spend at an outdoor concert I paid $80 for was instead spent in my car driving home... just saying..

yeah ur fat ass ydi for being so damn fat

That's why they make Claritin and similar products.

No mere allergy medicine can stop an allergy with the strength of the mighty God-Emperor! The Imperial Fists shall strike again at this fortress world known as the "sinus cavity", until it bows before our might!

Ya I feel your pain spring allergies really suck!):

Nocturnal? That seriously blows bc it was insane