
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, the imperial fist of spring allergies knocked me flat on my ass. The time I was going to spend at the outdoor concert I paid $80 for was instead spent in my car, driving back home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 113
You deserved it 3 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, you should get the official DocBastard© Allergy Fighter. A pill, you ask? Ha, of course not! It's a Medical Warrior! Doc doesn't **** around with allergies.


Trisha_aus 15

Try using Claritin that's what I use and I love it I have horrible allergies but when I take Claritin then its like I don't have allergies

YDI. You shouldn't pay $80 to go outside. You can do that for free you know.

She paid for a TICKET to go to a concert she has to PAY for. Are you semi-illiterate?

KendratheUnicorn 0

Shouldn't you know you're going to get allergies?

Vader you doing? Luke, go back and everything will be fine if you take an allergy pill. Kenobi any more wasteful of your money? Yoda not really deserve this, though.

This only works if you read it in a Jamaican accent.

KuchkaNumberOne 2

They make medication for that...

That sucks big time, I would've stayed at the concert instead of going home though. If your going to be miserable anyway why be miserable at home alone when you could be at a concert?

I am trying to bring back to the positives Noor.