
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, the imperial fist of spring allergies knocked me flat on my ass. The time I was going to spend at the outdoor concert I paid $80 for was instead spent in my car, driving back home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 113
You deserved it 3 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, you should get the official DocBastard© Allergy Fighter. A pill, you ask? Ha, of course not! It's a Medical Warrior! Doc doesn't **** around with allergies.


For god's sake. She is not a nun, she's a Muslim Girl. She is wearing a Hijab. Next person who ask the same question, i'm gonna flip a shit!

Even if I get annoyed when people play the "i have it worse" card... I'm going to come close to saying so, when I ask... why did you have to miss the concert just because of allergies? I have to work sometimes even though my allergies are killing me and on top of that, my other physical ailments like to kick my ass up and down my store. And a concert only requires you to sit/stand there and listen..... and it's not like allergies are contagious... and they DO make medicine for these things nowadays, and not all of them with awful side-effects.... maybe you should ask a doctor about a good one for you or maybe a shot?

Get allergy tablets! I have bad hayfever but control it with tablets..I refuse to let it rule my summer/spring xx

Ydi....if you know you have allergies, stay prepared with medication

The Shogun of Sneezes seppuku'd your ass!

That sucks, but this is why I take a pill everyday BEFORE I go anywhere. Just in case. Also, I take CVS brand "zyrtec." It lasts for "24 hours" (really, like 15, but who needs 24?) and costs far less than zyrtec. Now, the only time I sneeze is if I have to clean out my closet, basement, etc... (Large amounts of dust.)

Though it really sucked you didn't get to see the concert you completely deserve this. If you know you have allergies and it is an outdoor concert you should have taken medication in advance so you wouldn't get an allergy attack, or at least keep it from being sever.

linahb 2

Why ddnt you just take tablets before going to the concert if you know you have hay fever ? Or why ddnt you just suck it up ?