Suavely done

By dumbass - 07/02/2011 00:58

Today, my boyfriend left for a 2-year job posting in China. We had agreed to maintain a long-distance relationship, and even worked out a visiting schedule. Later that night, after trying to reach him, I realized the numbers he gave me weren't for China. The country code doesn't even exist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 003
You deserved it 3 776

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd say FYL since it's really mean, but he's probably a little crybaby for not even having the guts to quit. So I say YDI - You deserve someone a little more mature than a little kid. No one should actually miss such a little baby...

Wow, what a little pussy. I hope you had friends in common, and they have his real number. He owes you an explanation.


Omgplz 3

Just go to China and find him. It'll be the biggest and easiest game of "Where's Waldo" you'll ever play

juybuygo 13

if it was meant to be, he'll call you. if not, find someone else who is man enough to be honest about it.

So you don't have his email or number of his old work or mailing address? Anything else? After all that work to even have schedules worked out to meet and talk I don't think he was breaking up with you. FYL for now needing to communicate in a less direct fashion but still.....also there is always Skype or perhaps contacting his family to see if they have a different contact number for him that you can use. If you are too embarrassed to ask then lie and say you lost the number he gave you and get the one they have.