Student life

By gofixmyhead - 30/08/2011 14:53 - United Kingdom

Today, in the flat I share with four students, I broke our toaster. The night before, they'd successfully managed to toast chicken soup-covered crumpets in it whilst drunk. I tried to toast a teacake, and the whole thing exploded in flames and smoke. Our toaster got taken out by a raisin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 133
You deserved it 3 998

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

Call for backup. We can not let this sorry excuse for a dried-up grape get away with a crime like this.

I heard the rate of suicide bombing on toatsers are raisin' these days.


BrettJ 0

#15!!!!!!!!! But your life dose suck.Raisins can be tricky.

TaylorTotsYumm 10
flockz 19

congratulate yourself by masturbating. its what you do with the rest of your time when you're not posting on FML.

pianogirl12345 8

All I got from this was that your toaster blew up because of soup and a raisin. :p

NoahStaz 3

The toaster was actually a lie-detector in disguise and the teacake was actually a mini-cake. When inserted into the "toaster" it exploded. Why? The cake is a lie.

pianogirl12345 8

I find all these anti-raisin comments utterly appaling. It's not like a toaster exploding is strictly unique to raisin saboteurs. You bigots should be ashamed of yourselves. Dried fruits demand food-equality.

narhaniel1162 0
maddy23a 5

Agreed. All I got from it was "the toaster exploded"

allthatremains25 0

You should be more careful next time, try covering you raisin in chicken soup. Obviously that's not dangerous or anything.

patacus 14

this fml is so british. flat. crumpet. tea cake. none of those words are in my vocabulary

talktomandybaby 8

Americans are so ignorant of the outside world. And I should know, I married one.

well by the way you just talked about your "american" i bet that relationship isn't too healthy.

LaughAtLaugh 7

You are so American for having the cultural sense of a small rock.

Actually no, it's a great relationship. I have just been shown by all the Americans I know through him that they are very culturally ignorant. They no nothing about the world outside the American continent. Anything that is not their culture is perceived as weird or wrong. Very arrogant.

patacus 14

Wow what's with all the hateful comments? just because I make a joke about british llingo doesn't give you the right to be rude. my comment wasn't rude, so chill. ok. or maybe im just a stupid american.

Cynical_in_SK 6

Nobody said Americans are stupid...just ignorant and arrogant. There is nothing hateful about's just the truth. I'm Canadian and I have heard many first hand accounts of that ignorance and even experienced it myself. Canada is a world leader in many areas of modern technology...but just a couple yeas ago I read an article in a Canadian news magazine that said a recent pole of Americans revealed that the majority still believe our main industry is fur trading. My grandfather was south of the border once and was asked what state Saskatchewan was. A waitress at a place that claimed to offer exchange on Canadian currency was trying to refuse his money cause she thought it monopoly money. My mother told a woman just south of the border once that it was 85 degrees in our home city when we left and the woman couldn't believe it got that warm "up there". Like the whole of Canada is nothing but a frozen wasteland. I could go on...but I think u get the point.

Cynical_in_SK 6

Check out comment 93 below by AgentSmith79. No one could have asked for a better example of American arrogance. Such intolerance of other cultures is very typical of Americans.

Not all of us are arrogant, culture-deficit(sp?) morons. Some of us actually do care.

Not all americans are ignorant , dont judge All 330,000,000 of us because of what a few people say, ignorant dicks

Cynical_in_SK 6

Not judging all Americans. I have spoken to a few knowledgeable ones. The majority however are ignorant, arrogant and intolerant. All you have to do if you don't believe me is read the comments on this post. How many of them say they don't even understand what the OP us if they don't understand it then it isn't important? What about all the comments about the British and their "lingo"? Hard to deny what I'm saying when there is all this proof staring you in the face.

patacus 14

So me making a harmless joke about another country's dialect (i take it you don't like the word lingo, since you put those quotes around it. At least that's what it looks like.) means i am "ignorant, arrogant and intolerant". Seems like you're pretty intolerant yourself; which is pretty ignorant, and also arrogant. making you a hypocrite. And just so you know, i have a lot of friends from other countries, so its not like I'm some Yankee wanker or something like that. (Oh yeah, i made another joke there, sorry)

Cynical_in_SK 6 a big word for someone with such a limited vocabulary. Yes...I am intolerant. I'm intolerant of arrogant ignoramuses who make fun of others because of their race or culture...or even the way they talk. I hardly think that there is any comparison. If it makes you feel better about yourself to call me a hypocrite though...go for it. Just FYI..."harmless jokes" that are based on another persons race or culture are never harmless or funny to those who are the butt of them. I wonder how the OP feels about all the bashing..."harmless" or otherwise...that she is being subjected to because she is British? If you were to tell a "harmless" joke like that about a coworker in a professional environment you would most likely find yourself up for disciplinary action.