
By taman - 12/09/2009 04:12 - United States

Today, I took this girl out that I've been crushing on for 2 years to a fancy restaurant. At one point during the date, I had to get up to take a massive dump. As I was walking back to the table, a little boy stood up and shouted, "THAT'S THE POOPOO MAN!" in front of the whole restaurant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 934
You deserved it 5 354

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And this is why little kids should not be allowed in public

Oh no, you did something completely natural, **** your life indeed.


Man I would have drop kicked the worth less shit clear into next month. He'd be the vegetable boy, as in he'd be in a coma the rest of his shitty life.

Two things you need to do before a hot date: 1) take a dump 2) clean the pipes, if you know what I mean. BTW, was she hot? Maybe next time you can talk her into a Cleveland Steamer. Just a thought.

dirtbikeguy 14

he may want to consider the boston pancake to kill two birds with one stone

MysticCeltic 0

cheetahboo2010 5

Why would the kid know if you was taking a shit? Was he following you to the bathroom? If so, FYL.

Dude, take your dump BEFORE going on a date. #2, bid deal, it's not like she doesn't have to take a shit every now and then. She doesn't care

xYunqDrex 0

Lmfao shittyman . Smh the little kid must have been waiting for you to come out the stall to see who you were. Either way it goes your date has been ruin and you can thank a little kid for that. But that was your fault for not taking a shit before a date especially because its with a hot girl. i mean come on dude. You should have already learned as a little kid to use the facilities prior to leaving the house. Just because of that you are probably embarrassed, shitty, and single. FYL but YDI

ohreally123 0

why wouldn't you just hold it or go before? Honestly, that's disgusting. Go in your own home.

ryansims 0

little ***** **** everything up

dackattac 0

I feel sorry for anyone who has ever had to date you. Seriously, shit happens sometimes. Literally.