
By jewel87 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I wore my Ugg boots to work. I forgot that my office is carpeted and that the fur in my boots makes me shock every metal thing I touch. I work with computers all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 932
You deserved it 36 500

Top comments

yakturk43 0
capthavoc123 0

You deserve it for wearing Uggs. There is a very good reason why they are called "Uggs".


chances are the your too old to be wearing ugg boots. Please consider this.

kyliebeatriz08 0

FYL.... I'm sure u aren't gonna forget again u are wearing those...

the only ugg product people should ever wear, is their slippers. you are wearing the boots and are therefore a *****.

mirkayscar 0

erikahhh.... I wear Sperry's and don't frequent boats... Nothing wrong with that!!! As for UGGS.... no no no!! I don't understand them! it's like a freaking house shoe made into a boot! So ugly!!!

That's what you get for wearing those ugly ******* things.

that's what you get for wearing those ridiculously stupid boots