
By jewel87 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I wore my Ugg boots to work. I forgot that my office is carpeted and that the fur in my boots makes me shock every metal thing I touch. I work with computers all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 932
You deserved it 36 500

Top comments

yakturk43 0
capthavoc123 0

You deserve it for wearing Uggs. There is a very good reason why they are called "Uggs".


I think we can all agree that UGGS are about as attractive as a pig wearing makeup. My problem with them are the girls (and now guys) who argue that they're so warm and comfy. Really? WHY THE **** ARE YOU WEARING THEM IN THE SUMMERTIME, IN 90' WEATHER, THEN?!?! They can't even wear them when it's raining or snowing, or they'll get damaged because they're not waterproof! Then, they have to pay extra for a spray that's SUPPOSED to waterproof ugly-ass boots that they've already paid about $200 for, and it doesn't always work. Anybody else see something wrong with this picture?

Queen_of_Night 20

YDI for having purchased and worn Ugg boots. If you skinned a live cat and wrapped its bloody pelt around your chins it would probably look better.

umm, in Australia (where uggs are from if you didn't realise) no one would be caught dead wearing them to work..or in public for that matter!! they are strictly for use as a slipper in winter....AND never would you pay over $30 for a pair...sorry to burst your bubble Americans/Canadians....

rauj13 0
ROFLsyrup 0

YDI for wearing those nasty things I'd be more worried about damaging the computer if you're working inside of it (which I'm assuming you do if you're worried about getting shocked by it. Little static shocks are nothing and if you're worried about them you're a pussy. But then're wearing Uggs..

that's what u get for wearing those cankle boots