Spelling is hard

By WTFFAIL - 03/12/2009 09:08 - United States

Today, I finished a 50-page term end thesis essay on the history of Russia. Looking over the final requirements once more, I find I made just a tiny little mistake. It was supposed to be a thesis on "Prussia". The paper's due tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 199
You deserved it 39 829

Same thing different taste

Why is the last mile the hardest mile?

By oldhabitsdiehard - 03/07/2022 14:00 - Netherlands - Wageningen

Today, I'm supposed to hand in my Master's thesis. I only very vaguely remember my enthusiasm of six months ago, but remember clearly that - this time - I was planning to start in time and avoid last-minute stress. Seeing the sun come up at 5 a.m. tells me that it was a tad too optimistic. Just ten more hours to go… FML
I agree, your life sucks 292
You deserved it 1 029

Top comments

Wow. **** your life indeed. But hey, at least you can come on here and read the comments from dumber people who will say "zomg lol whut's the diffrnce?" and "Prussia iznt a country lolz!!one!!" Good luck, comrade.


I did something a bit similar once. I wrote a 9-page essay that was a review on some book about economic policy, and accidentally mis-spelt the author's name as 'Chussodovsky' instead of 'Chossudovsky' throughout the whole paper. It sucks, but it's always just the tiniest mistake that can ruin something.

Intellectualist 0

No, no no! That isn't the least bit similar, spelling mistakes and getting the complete and utter wrong country is COMPLETELY different.

_awwhellnaw_ 45

bruh, there's a huge difference between misspelling the author's name and mistaking two different countries.

guckylynn 19

unless you're a grad student I doubt you have fifty page papers. if you are a grad student ydi for not making absolutely sure of the requirements. I'm an English major and even I don't get 50 page term papers, nor has anyone I know in any other major.

It depends on the school you go to. And History majors often have long assignments.

STVader 0

maybe you go to a shitty school.

skiffo 0

At my school, for an Writing major, the thesis has to be at least 50 pages. We get to pick them though, and it does seem odd that they assigned a 50 page thesis on Prussia.

My former roommate is a Political Science major who routinely has 20- and 30-page papers due at the end of the semester, and when she did an internship program in DC she ended up having to write a 60 or so page term paper which she had researched during her internship. And we're undergrads. So, it does occasionally happen. Just depends on the school. OP, that sucks, but really...YDI. Maybe there were circumstances you couldn't fit, but generally you should know what you are covering in your class. And you should not be waiting until now to check final requirements. When I write papers I check them neurotically, several times throughout the writing process, to make sure that I'm on the right track. Try showing it to your professor, though, maybe (s)he will take pity.

jaydrizzy 0

ha ha that fkn suxx i would kill my self if i were you ha..good luck writing another 50 pages

cpatrick820 3

What kind of grad student would have a username like WTFFAIL?

Turn it in anyway. It's possible your teacher made a mistake and meant Russia instead of Prussia. You did the work, you'll get credit for that anyway.

capthavoc123 0

I don't know what world you live, but in university you don't get a grade for effort. If you do the completely wrong thing for an assignment, it doesn't matter how much work you did. You didn't do what you were supposed to do. This isn't like doing a long math sequence and forgetting to carry a 2 somewhere in the middle. He wrote a paper on a totally different country than the one he was supposed to write about.

Wha? Why would a prof mean "Russia" but say "Prussia"?

Who said this guy was a grad student. I wrote a 40 page paper for my child development class my freshman year of college. And if it was a graduate thesis, he would pick his own topic. I'm in Grad school and they absolutely never assign topics (especially something so specific)

Because that definitely wouldn't get OP kicked out of school or anything.

npk88 0

Dear god I hope you actually do this when/if you ever go to college (not a chance in hell you are in college now if you suggested that!) and get thrown out and end up working at WalMart.

^ | some people really have had a sense of humour bypass haven't they.

Yes, Wikipedia is just full of truth.

I'm writing a paper about Russia. What do you say I write about Prussia instead and then we switch?

That truly sucks. Best of luck getting an extension!