By imsorry - 14/01/2015 23:57 - United States - Oakland

Today, I found out how whipped I am when, at the climax of sex, I moaned, "I'm sorry!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 181
You deserved it 7 812

Same thing different taste


homesuckfucker 28

You obviously aren't happy in your relationship, if you feel the need to apologize for consensual mutual enjoyment. You should have a talk with your girlfriend and address the problem. And, if it comes down to it, decide whether or not you really want to be with her. Good luck.

Sage wisdom from a person who calls himself "homesuckfucker"

homesuckfucker 28

My username does not reflect my intellect. It's a nod to a comic that I like. That aside, I apologize if my advice isn't appeasing. I just feel that both parties should be able to enjoy themselves during sex, and not have to worry about apologizing for it.

TanzWolf 26

I don't understand why you got thumbed down, 13. I agree completely, and I don't understand girls who get angry or stop sex when their partner finishes first...

homesuckfucker 28

I didn't interpret it as the girlfriend being upset over a premature climax, which would be understandable if he didn't then help her get off. I thought OP meant that he feels as if he shouldn't be allowed to enjoy himself.

I mean, there could have been a very good reason for that apology, but moaning it is a little weird.

Good god man. Where have your balls gone!?

He was probably apologizing for cumming first. Before she did

Better than saying someone else's name. So don't worry.

FYL, but you don't need to apologize.

Yeah if climaxing first is an issue put some numbing cream on your wick a little while before you start relations and you should be good. Be sure it dries properly or she may do numb too.