
By TheHarvardian - 25/10/2012 06:59 - United States - Ft Mitchell

Today, I got fired from a job that I've had for four days for being too "secretive." Apparently, I was leaning over my notebook so that my boss couldn't stand behind me and read what I was writing. The email literally said I was "being too sneaky". They were work notes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 147
You deserved it 1 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Before you leave, put a sticky note pack in your cubicle that reads: "Since you seemed so keen on being a nosy ass, I made this note especially for you:" Then make him flip through about twenty sticky notes with arrows or "Almost there!" before he gets to: "Go **** yourself." It won't get you your job back, but you'll be laughing your way through the unemployment line.

echosaints 5

Why didn't you just show him the notes?


TheyCallMeDamien 17

I don't like people looking over my shoulder. It's rude and uncomfortable.

yenidewi 11

not a good company then, find a better, unparanoid one ... :)

if they were work notes, why did you have a problem with your boss reading them? They just show how hard you're working :)

I can't make a conscious effort to show someone something if I don't know they're looking at it. Supposedly the boss was standing behind me while I was talking to the trainer and leaning over the desk taking notes and that was "suspicious enough".

You can't be fired for that its wrongful termination! You need to take it up with your bosses boss via a lawyer.

Actually, in most states, you can be fired for any reason, except protected classes like religion, race, etc. So you can quit and they can fire you, and the reasons don't matter. I had a friend once fired because she got a new boss and the boss didn't like her. It happens.

People these days jump to fast to conclusions.

linnie_wesker 20

It's better that you got fired after only four days. Now when you apply for another job you don't even need to tell them you ever worked there since it's such a short gap between jobs, instead of being there for a few months and having to either tell them you were fired, or lying and saying you weren't working at all. Also, you found out quick that your boss is batshit insane.

I agree. :) Just because I lean over my desk when I write doesn't mean that I have something hide. And even if I did, I'm entitled to my privacy.