
By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Austria

Today, I discovered that my ex-girlfriend, who I dated for 6 years, is getting engaged to my friend. The very same "friend" who's been encouraging me to break up with her for the past year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 575
You deserved it 3 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't it feel like sweet, sweet justice to crash their wedding? Unfortunately, somehow YOU'D end up looking like the bad guy.

dumbass....FYL...bang them. both. with a shotgun.


Non6673 0

Hey, maybe you'll be asked to be the best man. Then you get to give a speach! Imagine the possibilities!

You should've figured out something was up when your friend kept trying to make you dump her.

g1user 0

I would give him two black eyes the day of the wedding and release skunks at the reception lol

haha props to you man...i definitly have to agree with what you are talking about...stick with this plan and youll have a wet **** again in no time...and dont forget to take a bat to your 'friends' legs whenever you get a chance

I'm sorry that happened, why the hell would your friend ask her to marry him when he knows you're dating her? Sounds like you've picked shitty people to have in your life. It's not your fault, but try being a better judge of character next time, and keep your eyes open. I still don't see how cheating is so easily hidden.

wtsc 0

@35 you are my hero. oh what I would say... >;)

Say good-bye to both of them. Not only have you lost a girlfriend, you've lost a friend as well. No need to try to remain friends with them. Neither can be trusted and you'll be perceived as loser doormat. Get out of Dodge and don't look back.