
By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Austria

Today, I discovered that my ex-girlfriend, who I dated for 6 years, is getting engaged to my friend. The very same "friend" who's been encouraging me to break up with her for the past year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 575
You deserved it 3 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't it feel like sweet, sweet justice to crash their wedding? Unfortunately, somehow YOU'D end up looking like the bad guy.

dumbass....FYL...bang them. both. with a shotgun.


sharon_ellj 0

Dude this FML pissed me off yo! I hate infidelity, you know what just leave it. They'll get the karma. Also if i were you, i would have beat the shit out of that ******...

6 years and then that! that's wrong bro! he obv ain't your friend otherwise he would of benn straight with you from day one!!

timeandmusic 0

I am sorry, that offically sucks on both parties.

I'm pretty sure I've seen an FML very similar to this before.. oh well, sucks to be you

that is so ridiculous! why would anyone do that?!

Sucks~Forget it~Next will be better :))))