Sexy moves

By what sex life? - 02/08/2016 06:26 - United States - Nashville

Today, while in the shower with my boyfriend, I tried to heat things up by washing his knob with my loofa. He couldn't stop laughing and eventually laughed so hard that he slipped and fell. He now has a bruised butt while I have a missing toenail from catching his fall. Ouch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 273
You deserved it 2 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"HAHAHA! Oh, shiii—" *slips* "Honey, quick, grab on to my toenail!" "Sounds logical to me. Here I goooo!"

Kids these days! He's supposed to scrub your loofa with his knob.


Who does that with a loofa?!?! Use your hand or most if you want to be taken seriously!

Sexy time...I think you're doing it wrong!

why did you have a vegetable in the shower(loofah is the thing you're looking for)