Say Anything 2: Electric Boogaloo

By Anonymous - 09/12/2010 06:00

Today, I broke up with my boyfriend. He then told me that he will love me forever, wait for me and will follow me to the ends of the earth. Apparently, that means standing outside my door and calling my house phone every five minutes. It's been 3 hours straight now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 214
You deserved it 8 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Hello_World_09 0

Your life is in danger. Get the cops. I kid you not.

Get a restraining order. And no, I'm not kidding. I've been with guys that are persistent (aka creepy) like that, but not quite to that extreme. I'd say you have a decent reason to call the police and etc.

KaitlynxD 5

Give it a few weeks, he'll get bored.

my girlfriend is gonna break up with me tomorrow I already know this because who would say I want to tell you my decision in person not to break up with someone but anyway I am definitely not gonna stand outside of her house and continuously call her if anything I'll try to work things out tomorrow or be her friend so that maybe shell see I'm not the douche she thinks I am but what I'm trying to say is stalkerish behavior is never the answer and in the long run will only push the girl farther sway than she already obviously is

You don't know she's going to break up with you. My ex from a year or so ago wanted to get back together with me; we broke up and a few weeks later he wanted to talk to me in person about "us". We were on a "break", so I assumed he was cutting the semi-relationship off for good and that was that. I went to see him and he surprised me by asking if we can work things out. Mind you, I regret taking him back, but that was my own stupidity. My point being, you really don't know for sure what she's going to do until she tells you herself, when she sees you.

You're damn right he is. If you don't want to be used by this guy, drop him. Don't talk to him. Don't even be friends with him, because he'll take advantage of that, too. Trust me, I've been there... they string you along for as long as they can until you figure out what they're doing. Once you find out, and he knows you know, he'll do everything in his power to make you believe he's a good guy. He's not.

Iciac 0

I've been in a similar situation myself, and have seen it happen to far too many friends from both sides. OP you have to realise that you are escalating the situation by refusing to speak with him. You might have a good reason for breaking up with him, and I'm not concerned about that. If you refuse to speak with him on any level, then he will escalate his efforts to simply get some response. The fact that he's standing out there indicates that there are at least some issues that are unresolved between you two - talk about them, and let him leave with a little dignity rather than forcing him away. Ignoring is a passive action, but it does cause hurt and pain; and frankly things will get worse if you let them continue as you do. As a few other posters have mentioned - you can call the police and get a restraining order. It solves your problems immediately, however overall it turns the situation from a simple break-up into something far more serious and painful, for both of you. Talk to him, OP - I'm not justifying his actions, but treating even the slightest contact as if he actually were a stalker, right from the start, is the thing most likely turn him into one in the long term. Nip it in the bud.

MyLifeIsGreat_ha 0

my on advice is to call these three numbers 9 - 1 - 1 there's a good idea hahah