Rules and regulations

By backseatbusted - 21/05/2013 16:09 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were getting intimate in the backseat of his car, when a police car pulled up behind us. My mom later told me that intimacy was fine, just not in a car. We were in the car because she told me that intimacy was fine, just not in her house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 860
You deserved it 13 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GemmaStyles 14

What makes you think the backseat of his car would've been a better option?

Intimacy is fine, OP, just nowhere on this planet, is what she's trying to tell you. But go ahead and find that place where it's fine.


Haha not this way but neither the other way

Obviously sex is not in the cards for you. Ever. I'd suggest finding a convent. It's clearly your only option now.

dlowry004 14

Be a rebel and just wait till your moms not home to get intimate...problem solved OP

Until OP's mom comes home and catches us... Erm, her, doing the dirty. That's awkward.

I think your mum actually thinks intimacy is okay, but it's fair enough that she doesn't want it in her house, or for you to do it in public. Maybe wait until no one is home or go to your boyfriends house or even stay in a hotel. This is what confuses me though, why wouldn't they want their sons or daughters doing it in their own home considering they know that their safe and who they're sleeping with

meganroisin 1

Why is it fair enough that she doesn't want it in her house? I've never understood why parents say stuff like that, they might as well just be saying "We know you're a legal consenting adult but we plan on preventing you from doing natural things as much as we can"

46- I understand the respect thing, and not having sex when visiting someone, but if you're a teenager living with your parents then you don't have anywhere else safe to go. Teens are going to have sex, that's just a fact. So if you can't stop them, wouldn't you at least want to know they're safe when they do? That was what my mom always told me, even before I was old enough, she always said whenever you start having sex, I'd rather know you're safe at home than wonder if you're doing it in an alley somewhere. I find North Americans get too uptight about sex, especially about not "letting" their kids have any. It's ridiculous.

bamagrl410 31

Allowing teenagers to have sex also means allowing them the ability to take on the consequences should there be any - such as pregnancy or diseases. Sex is something that comes with big responsibilities, so yes, there is a such thing as being too young for it. And I think a teenager in middle school or high school is too young to be putting yourself at risk of altering your life in a way you may not be prepared for. I'm not sure why people have this "they're going to do it anyways, so parents should just allow it so they're safer" mentality. My mom made sure I understood the consequences, and if I was ever caught in that situation I would've been in trouble for a LONG time. And because of that I didn't just "do it anyways". Sex isn't a terrible thing, and intimacy is fine. But I don't think people should just allow their children to do things they shouldn't be doing just because "they're going to do it anyways". Of course they'll do what they want if you let them. But as a parent, it's your job to teach them to know better and make smart decisions.

78- I know it's mainly that my parents don't want to actually HEAR me having sex. That would be very uncomfortable, and I have a pretty small house so it is possible. But I understand what your saying, it's not that hard for mum to go shopping for half an hour or something if she wants to be strict on things like that

It's almost like these risks could be mitigated if people received comprehensive sex education! Wow, what a novel concept. Abstinence-only is linked to STI prevalence, not teens actually knowing how to protect themselves.

What you say is true, but in my opinion the mothers should help prepare to the sexuality instead of forbid their teenagers from that. Because, I'm a teenager too I know my age group. 'The most of the things more excited if it's forbidden to me.' When I was about 11 years old, my mother sat next to me and said 'we have to talk about some important things'. I'm a member of the new generation so I still knew what means 'the sex thing' but when I misunderstand from my classmates or friends she explained me and correct my mistaken ideas. We had a lot of conversations about the theme. It was embarrasing in the first time but after the forth or fifth speaking my courage grew and I asked when I was curious about the 'sex'. She said 'wait you'll be 15 at least and wait for the suitable and trusted person who you love, and you'll just make it when you are done'. It was useful, because when I found my boyfriend, when I was 17 and I sat next to him too and we talk about the consequencies of intimacy if we would do it. (My mum bring me to life when she was 16. She is a wonderful mother of me and my brothers because she knew what kind of responsibility was with the sexual life, and she prepared to it. When she found out she was pregnant she didn't thinking of the abortion and I so grateful for my life.) Cause neither I want abort my baby because of I wasn't responsible enough. I wait while my boyfriend prepared to the possibility of an unexpected pregnancy before our first time. We never forget the condoms and to be careful but if would be a 'suprise' we'll handle it responsibly. I think my mother did good job and I didn't feel myself too young to do that only I was still a teenager. But I understand your state because the rest of us still not be done to it. (Excuse me for my English, I've just learn the language and I hope it's understandable enough :D)

Yes but in public? I mean if it was that urgent, there are always hotels, motels, your boyfriend's house.. etc?

Sex in a car is kinky. You know, when you stop hitting your head every two seconds.

sexyboi1985 27

because people like *******, and they like it a lot (to 23, not 35)

HeadlessSparrow 20

You two can be intimate in the backseat of the police car!

westboundcali 13

What did the police car have to do with any of this?

They were caught having sex in public.