Rules and regulations

By backseatbusted - 21/05/2013 16:09 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were getting intimate in the backseat of his car, when a police car pulled up behind us. My mom later told me that intimacy was fine, just not in a car. We were in the car because she told me that intimacy was fine, just not in her house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 860
You deserved it 13 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GemmaStyles 14

What makes you think the backseat of his car would've been a better option?

Intimacy is fine, OP, just nowhere on this planet, is what she's trying to tell you. But go ahead and find that place where it's fine.


I guess they made a big boo boo by getting busted by the cops.

well your caught, might as well finish up before you too are arrested.

He's so cheap he can't get a hotel room? Maybe you should reconsider your man lol.

michaelm1290 23

I'm sorry, but getting a hotel room just to get "intimate" seems a bit excessive

34, Don't you think that's a pret-ty shallow thing to say?

She's so cheap she can't get a hotel room? Maybe he should reconsider OP. That was sarcasm. This isn't. It's a two way street, she can also kick in some loot.

Exactly 42! She shouldn't have to rely on her boyfriend to pay for a room that they're both spending time in.

Not everyone dates people for their money.

Had to re read this one, at first I thought your mum was in the car with you. Thank god for the 'later' is all I can say!

Car is okie...just better with tinted're better off at his house...

Callilah 13

Maybe you should have gone to his house??

Go to a hotel. Don't feel bad everyone has done it in the car at one point in their lives.

I think mom's just telling you to be more discreet in your sexual escapades. She doesn't need to know about it and the neighbours and cops don't need to know about it. :P

YDI, YDI, YDI. There's no need to screw in a public area - if you want to so badly, save up and get a place of your own. Nothing in here says "FYL" in the least.