Roll with it

By jonasister - 15/04/2012 18:43 - Sweden - Lund

Today, another of my dad's blind dates went bad, so I took him out for a beer. I went to the bathroom to freshen up, and when I came back, two guys were congratulating my dad on scoring such a hot piece of ass, and said the sex must be awesome. My dad played along with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 341
You deserved it 3 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That'll make for an awkward ride home.

perdix 29

Maybe after a few more beers, the joke would be on you. Or in you.


Even though that's weird, I gotta say, poor dad. He must be feeling seriously lonely.

That's disgusting. Your dad is a pig with no respect.

congele 6

Well that'll be a story for your kids one day so that they'll appreciate you more XD

Firestar1202 0

People dont go out of their way to do that unless the girl is ridiculously attractive, so I think that's what you should take out of this.

That is bull-honkey, I'm guessing you're a guy, I'm sure the first thing ANY girl would feel is extremely embarrassed and not once would the thought "I'll just run with it, my dad and some older men think I'm attractive, awesome..." would you be flattered if your mum told random women that she is having sex with you? Yeah, doesn't sound too great now...

To get back at him, you should have said: "hey yeah, we're on a date, but it's totally open and he likes to share, so if any of you big boys want to hit me, just say the word!"

madgrinchhatter 12