Riding high

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff

Today, I went to a theme park. The first ride I went on broke down just as my cart reached the highest point. I had a nice view of my loving family laughing at me while management failed to fix the rollercoaster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 179
You deserved it 2 047

Top comments

olpally 32

You've reached your final destination op... Goodbye D:

Don't worry - what goes around comes around. Er, mostly.


3pi 6

Lol same happened to me two years ago except I was stuck up there for a good one hour.

18 ydi's. how could he possibly have deserved that.

perdix 29

While you are stuck up there, you can show off your mad netball skillz to your family and keep your comedy show going!

Shadow_Phantom 26

Ah, I have this phobia when getting on a roller coaster... but I get over it shortly. That really sucks, OP. FYL.

harvin888 2

What goes up will always come down..so chill..i guess u were just being unlucky!

avpmgrl 4

Just going off of my experience working at a theme park but don't they start to evacuate it if they can't fix it right away?

The last time I went to six flags, superman got stuck and people were stuck laying on there stomachs for like 10 minutes I felt so bad. I was in line for it. Didn't break down for me xD

Well at least nothing traumatic happened and u live to tell the story