Riding high

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff

Today, I went to a theme park. The first ride I went on broke down just as my cart reached the highest point. I had a nice view of my loving family laughing at me while management failed to fix the rollercoaster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 179
You deserved it 2 047

Top comments

olpally 32

You've reached your final destination op... Goodbye D:

Don't worry - what goes around comes around. Er, mostly.


think of it as more time to spend on the ride they usually only last a minute or less

gwenmomoxide 5

Was this at California adventure? Cuz that happened....

kymmiehew 0

Aw I'm sorry that happened to you

PhishloverA 14

In case you were also worried I hope it wasn't for long because hopefully you realized what goes up must come down

Was it superman at discovery kingdom. I heard that broke down. I ride it and it kicks ass

You were prob callin your fam pussy for not going on with you though, karma sucks eh

Nice story, though - "I was trapped on a roller coaster!". At least you weren't upside down.