Quite the catch

By Ms. Piggy - 02/03/2014 19:09 - United States - Clarksville

Today, I was shopping for dresses when my fiancé turned into what I can only call a groomzilla. He told me and my maid of honor that we need to lose weight because he's not "paying all this money for a pair of fatties to not look good." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 516
You deserved it 7 526

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The wedding is off, right? Because if he thinks he can just call the two of you "fatties", he's not worth it.


He didn't respect her, and in another comment, you essentially indicated that turnabout is fair play and stated that she should ask him to gain a six pack. How is that a respectful suggestion? I believe your definition of the word is a bit inaccurate.

Your view of life is quite admirable. I still believe that the OP should take a good long look at the man she is about to marry, however. If this is the kind of thing he says to her when he is stressed out, that does not bode well for the rest of their life together.

lb0812 18

It's already bad enough that he took shots at you, but it's just tragic your maid of honor got caught in the crossfire. That's poor character in every regard! When people show you their true colors, believe them! I'd cut your losses now and spare yourself a divorce later.

why does women always get picked on for their weight?!?!?! slap him!

hunteryager 18

Who said only women get picked on for their weight?

Usually because they start stuffing their faces.

ironik69 31

I say kick him in both heads.

Totally the BEST solution, you fuckheads. Violence isn't a viable answer just because it isn't directed at women when it's being used. Ever tried talking to solve a problem?

Sorry, that comment was very unnecessarily rude. The point I would like to state is still my thought on the topic.

knoxxx 22

Yeah I'd be reconsidering that engagement if I were in your shoes. There's a whole slew of issues with what he said. FYL, OP.

Wow. If he'd been having a private argument with you, it might be forgivable...But it is NOT okay for him to insult your best friend like that, too. You might want to reconsider the wedding, seriously...

More like turned into a ******* asshole.

tazmanmike2013 17

You may want to seriously rethink this marriage if he was serious when he said this.

Wow an internet argument that is actually resolved by an agreement. I am surprised.