Property dispute

By Anonymous - 19/01/2014 22:59 - United States - Dallas

Today, I asked my girlfriend's dad for permission to take her hand in marriage. He said no, because he doesn't want her marrying a "sexist idiot who treats her like property", which he thinks asking permission amounts to, then told me to grow up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 813
You deserved it 11 955

Same thing different taste

Top comments

P_M95 8

If she truly loves you she shouldn't care what her parents think. As long as you are an honest nice guy.

hazardmuffin 21

Asking for his blessing would be respecting his view. Asking for permission makes it sound like his daughter's choice isn't really hers, which is where the "tradition" came from. Back when women really DIDN'T have that choice.


to all you people are saying things about its her daughters decision ect ect, yes your correct but asking for permission is the same thing as asking for his blessing, its a common courtesey to do. Stop being over critical of common tradition.

That's so weird.. you'd think that would make him proud!

You did the noble thing! Now say F you by proposing to her!! At that point the round is down range, and if she is into you what can he do!!

Well that's sad, I feel like you were just doing it out of tradition (however skewed and wrong that tradition might be) and he overreacted majorly. And let's be honest, there are tons of "traditions" out there that people still do even if they have sexist overtones. People need to learn to lighten up and stop making everything into a ******* social justice campaign.

If you want to be traditional try asking for the parent's blessing. You ask the girl for her hand in marriage.