
By Windstar - 07/04/2009 07:32 - Canada

Today, my daughter ran up to a librarian working in the kids section and screamed "MOMMY!" and hugged her. She looked at her and said "I'm not your mommy." My daughters reply: "I know. But you're better than mommy" FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 842
You deserved it 7 958

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maxson_fml 0

Don't worry about it. Some kids just have people that they like to see. Maybe your librarian's really nice and so she's your daughter's favorite person. Either way, FYL

Claire_bear 0

aw. This happened when my sister was little. She went up to our mom and said "look mom I love you but I love mrs moony more". (her preschool teacher) But don't stress my sister forgot all about it. I'm sure your daughter will too


phreshrice 0

lol it's ok i did that once when i was little because i acctually thought it was my mom. it was a quick reaction

andy_fml_fml 0

don't worry babee i bet she just had candy in her pocket or smelled like chocolate :)

LAXer9393 0

aww it's okay. :) appreciate your daughter's sense of humor! she's going to be a funny one.

#25 thats rude! you're that type of person that makes the OP feel even shittier. but your daughter is young didn't mean it! #9 is right; when i was a little booger i thought i liked my teacher more cause she didn't yell at me and force me to do things like my parents did. But i learned that they did that cause they loooved mee! so she'll learn, but maybe read to her every night or something. you're a good parent for bringing her to the library definitely!

bahabra 0

#25, wtf?! and dont worry bout it poster :) she's a little kid, and like others are saying, your making her eat vegies, and putting her in the naughty corner. im sure lots of little kids do that.

Then get off the internet and spend some time with your daughter.

CaptainBaconMan 0

Its ok. I did that to my dad when i was little. She'll grow up and realize how awesome you are. I did with my dad.