
By Windstar - 07/04/2009 07:32 - Canada

Today, my daughter ran up to a librarian working in the kids section and screamed "MOMMY!" and hugged her. She looked at her and said "I'm not your mommy." My daughters reply: "I know. But you're better than mommy" FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 842
You deserved it 7 958

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maxson_fml 0

Don't worry about it. Some kids just have people that they like to see. Maybe your librarian's really nice and so she's your daughter's favorite person. Either way, FYL

Claire_bear 0

aw. This happened when my sister was little. She went up to our mom and said "look mom I love you but I love mrs moony more". (her preschool teacher) But don't stress my sister forgot all about it. I'm sure your daughter will too


She's a child and doesn't realize some things she says. Your mommy the meanie at times, so the librarian in her eyes is the fun playtime lady. Don't worry about it.

aww, don't sweat it, little kids always do stuff like that, but she'll forget about it eventually. she'll probably be really embarrassed that she said that if you remind her when she's older.

This reminds me of when I took care of my nephew for a few days. He's almost two and after his parents picked him up for the next few days after, anytime his parents would punish him for something he would say "I want auntie!!" Which is weird, because I did punish him when he did things wrong. Anywho I wouldn't worry about it. I'm going to mimick everyone else and say that she didn't mean it.

Trix_Disorder 20

Open mouth, insert tiny foot. Kids don't have control of their mouths.

wow. that's depressing. and #2 i think that maybe this person wants to be her daughter's favourite person!

Ouch! That hurts. How old is she? She didn't really mean that. Keep up the smile and give your kid the best ;) @#4 Kids will forget it, but parents don't. Your mom still remember this.

Typical thing for a young child to say, especially if they're not spoiled.

AntiChrist7 0

kids are a pest, i will never have them.

What the hell is wrong with you! Kids are pest but only sometimes. They don't know any better. Jeez people probably thought you were a pest but I wouldn't blame them. But that's cuz they probably didn't hate ALL kids, just you. TEEHEE

King_of_Kings 3

you should try spending more time with her

You should try reading to your child interesting books yourself