Plagiarism sucks

By Anonymous - 15/10/2010 13:03 - United States

Today, I was supposed to present a speech on diabetes. The girl who went first chose the same subject, knowing I'm diabetic and that it was my topic. I went last, so I had to change half of my speech on the spot. I sounded ignorant about my own illness. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 036
You deserved it 6 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI, don't see the reason to change your speech...

I could be wrong but did you really need to change your speech?


KingDingALing 9

Bitch slap her and then get your boyfriend to **** slap her. That'll teach her!

YDI for altering your speech. Imagine if a doctor changed the results of a study he did on, say, diabetes because someone else did it first.

mintcar 9

That makes absolutely no sense. Why would you change your speech? Next time, go with what you have.

I altered the intro an conclusion. if I hadn't, I would have sounded like more of a moron

#34, I guess you're the OP... So could you elaborate, instead of posting the same thing multiple times? We really don't understand what you were thinking...

I see an elaborate revenge plan in your future, involving one of those rubber band Gatling guns and around 144 used insulin needles...

I've had the same thing happen to me before, but there is no reason to change your speech. So yeah, unlucky situation but based on the way you solved it, YDI.

Xavi89 0

haha stay off the krispy kream dounuts an you wouldn't hve this problem!

Hayllee 4

Look, I know you might not know this, but that was very ignorant thing you just said. The person probably has type 1, not type 2. Type 1 you get from your pancreas failing, not insulin resistance. I'm a type one Diabetic. I don't really see why you had to change your speech, but I wasn't there and figure you had too. I don't know if you do this or not, but for me, any chance I get to educate people about diabetes I do, so that' s awesome (and kind of obvious, I guess) that you chose diabetes.

Apprentice4Life 5

Im a type 1 diabetic. My pancreas failed, which is why I'm diabetic. I got really sick with pneumonia, which set off the disease. It has nothing to do with eating too much sugar, asshole.

actually, as plan b, you should have instead played a video of wilford brimley. the audience will be well-enlightened to the dangers of the 'beetus. |the kid|

848901 0

Damn!...that broad did some cold ish...