Over and out

By hatinthelife - 18/02/2012 06:34 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my girlfriend of six months that giving another guy a blow job IS cheating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 590
You deserved it 4 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mama2b3 20

So ask her if it's alright for you to eat out other girls.

hmmmm, not the kind of girl i'd want to be going out with. sorry dude...


That sucks man but now you go get with any girl you want!!! Just make sure she isn't sucking anyone's dick first

bugmenotmofo 34

He's both idiot and troll. This ridiculous thread has convinced me to disregard ALL if his further posts. He's probably 10.

Benabus - Dude, honestly, I would have stopped commenting after your first reply. What you're saying is a complete and total exaggeration of the subject at hand and seeing as though you are clearly inexperienced on the matter, I'm wondering where you get off preaching your mumbo-jumbo. Oral sex is something intimate and not nearly as disgusting as you make it out to be. I don't know what sites you've been reading but clearly you've proven yourself to be one of those gullible jockeys who will believe anything as long as it sounds right. I don't know about anyone else here but during the act, I have complete control of my mouth and not once have I ever bitten my bf. As for the whole semen thing, if you truly think it's disgusting, there is such a thing as flavored condoms.

Seriously, many previous comments made me think you were trolling, but this comment is proof of it as far as I'm concerned. For someone who's correcting others on typo's rather than actual (intentional) faults in grammar, and call them idiots for it, you really are more of an idiot yourself if you didn't know what was meant by "cum" instead of come. Therefore, you must be trolling imo.

At least she could never refuse to blow you!

If she does not understand that's cheating, she has some serious ethic problems lol fyl buddy..