Out of the frying pan…

By Godhelpme - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Houston

Today, in a last-ditch attempt to get away from my psycho coworker, I made my boss transfer me to another branch in the district. My coworker was immediately moved to that branch, because we "work well together". FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 100
You deserved it 4 764

Top comments

Maybe you should file a work complaint against said coworker. That sounds a bit like stalking to me.

I can see how working next to a psycho would increase productivity. Shit, I'd want to get home quicker, too!


well restraining orders are always an option!

Ninjataco1234 4

Anybody think of robin and Patrice?

Tell your boss why you really wanted transferred because your co-worker transferring to the same branch is creepy and stalker behaviour. Get a restraining order and if they breach it you can have them arrested. I'd also make sure you keep a diary of anything that happens with dates and times. Best of luck OP.

I guess you might just have to kill a ************.

at least he does not sit in next cubicle to you..

Maybe you need to talk to him/her? And tell it to leave you alone cause you don't wanna talk to that person anymore.

tehdarkness 21

Shoulda just gone through the proper channels!

91hayek 31

Your name must be Jack and her name must be Jill if you two work well together. No wonder you want to transfer, always falling down and hurting yourself and her just falling on you.

Why didn't you be honest with your boss? Next time tell them you don't like a coworker.