Out it comes

By emilyupsidedown - 16/01/2010 05:08 - United States

Today, I got a popcorn kernel stuck in my throat. It was quite irritating so thought I could get it out with my finger. Good thing, the kernel is gone. Bad thing, I now have the rest of my lunch on my shirt as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 038
You deserved it 31 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You so very smart. Best way to clear an obstruction in your throat is to stick your finger down your throat and get it out. Right. I mean surely there isn't a simpler method such as drinking anything to try to clear your throat. Right? you deserve it.

smokebluntzz420 1


lesab734 0

Wow you're not very bright, huh? YDI X 10

Bulimia my arse - just some idiot sticking fingers down their throat so far they vomited

if it was bullimia they wouldn't be writing about it on here

Man, I just got the flu yesterday. It sucks being sick.

X_o_X_ocutie 0
stardr190 0

wow nice one... who da **** told u 2 do dat ?

Hm, I do that if I need to.. drinking usually doesn't work, but then if your gag reflex is rather active then, like, don't. Try coughing it out next time perhaps? Shift it that way.

this is stupid. what did you think was going to happen when you stick a finger down your throat. YDI